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Grief interview with Alex Trenoweth

Following the release of my book ‘Grief: A Dark, Sacred Time'”‘, i was interviewed by Alex Trenoweth. We discuss what...

Grief book cover

Coping with Coronavirus Lockdown

We are living in extraordinary times. Separated from loved ones and shoe-horned into close encounters with our families, we are...

Is The Consultation Space Sacred?

You can watch this full lecture below that was presented to the AVN (Dutch Astrological Association) on Saturday 15th December...

Latest research

Explore my latest projects

I am always working on several research projects. My interests lie in the exploration of frescos in medieval Italy, in the orientation of Cistercian abbey churches in Wales, UK, and Europe and their theological relationship to landscape, as well as how, in contemporary western astrology, meaning is derived from natal horoscopes.
Star Logos Conference
Presenting lecture on the Stymphalian Birds at the Star Logos Santa Fe, 2010.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak to me about any of the publications or work on this website please send me a message using the form below. 

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Darrelyn Gunzburg, lying down to photograph the ceiling of the Dendera Temple complex, Egypt.