Behind the Beat
Gunzburg, Darrelyn. Behind the Beat. Sydney: Currency Press Ltd, 1992.
Winner: 1991 AWGIE award.
Commissioned and produced by the Multicultural Youth Theatre and first performed at The Parks Arts Complex, Adelaide, South Australia on Tuesday 20 February 1990 as part of the 1990 Adelaide Festival Fringe.
Adapted for radio by Canberra Youth Theatre, 1992.
The Cold Courage band has two great gigs lied up, but their new drummer is drinking his way through rehearsals. Liz is determined to keep it all together wile all around her, things fall apart. A play for young adults aged 14-20 years.

From Behind the Beat
LIZ: Why does it have to be me?
TAN: We need you to do it.
LIZ: Well, I’m not gonna get caught, see. I’m fucking not gonna get caught. Not like my Mum. I’ve listened to her tapes. She could’ve made it. But no. What happens? She meets this creep, my father, who jumps state and leaves her with me. Four times this happens. You’d think she’d learn. She’s thick, my Mum. Thick as two bloody bricks. Well, it’s not gonna happen to me, y’hear? There’s got to be more to life than tomorrow, just another day.
[Tan puts down his glass, moves behind Liz’s chair and starts massaging her shoulders. She closes her eyes and relaxes into his touch. Slowly she leans back into him. He stops massaging. Liz opens her eyes and looks at him. He is looking at her.]
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